Hacker News 2022-11-11
2022-11-11 07:00
Hacker News 2022-11-11
  1. CRISPR cancer trial success paves the way for personalized treatments
    original articlehacker news
  2. FTC restores rigorous enforcement of law banning unfair methods of competition
    original articlehacker news
  3. Overfitting and the strong version of Goodhart’s law
    original articlehacker news
  4. A Cypherpunk’s Manifesto (1993)
    original articlehacker news
  5. Map of the Internet
    original articlehacker news
  6. Seeing through hardware counters: A journey to 3x performance increase
    original articlehacker news
  7. Octopuses caught on camera throwing things at each other
    original articlehacker news
  8. Book Review: Rhythms of the Brain
    original articlehacker news
  9. Pinboard vs. Raindrop
    original articlehacker news
  10. Zendo: The Game of Inductive Logic
    original articlehacker news
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