Young U.S. voters reduced the ‘Red Wave' to a ‘Pink Splash' in the midterm elections — why didn't polls predict it?
2022-11-25 01:30
Young U.S. voters reduced the ‘Red Wave' to a ‘Pink Splash' in the midterm elections — why didn't polls predict it?
Julia Rodgers is a PhD Candidate in Political Science at Dalhousie University. It increasingly seems that projections of election results based on public polling are unreliable. The 2022 midterm elections in the United States are a prime example. Americans appeared set to vote Republican en masse — in a so-called 'Red Wave' — on the morning of Nov. 8. Amid high inflation, a precarious House of Representatives majority and low approval ratings for President Joe Biden, a perfect storm was brewing. Polls suggested a huge Republican win was imminent and the party was poised to secure control of the House and the Senate with a sizeable majority.

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