S. Korea offers US$2 mln in aid to Hawaii over wildfire damage
2023-08-14 03:40
S. Korea offers US$2 mln in aid to Hawaii over wildfire damage
S Korea-Hawaii wildfire S. Korea offers US$2 mln in aid to Hawaii over wildfire damage SEOUL, Aug. 14 (Yonhap) -- South Korea has decided to provide Hawaii with US$2 million worth of humanitarian aid to help respond to a series of wildfires that recently raked the island of Maui, Seoul's foreign ministry said Monday. The latest wildfires have killed at least 93, making it the deadliest U.S. fire in over a century, with an estimated damage of at least $6 billion, according to the ministry. Seoul plans to deliver water, food and other supplies procured from the local Korean supermarket to the government of Hawaii, as well as financial assistance to local aid organizations.


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