Local Operators Say California's $20 Fast Food Minimum Wage Could Bring Restaurant Closures
2023-09-26 19:38
Local Operators Say California's $20 Fast Food Minimum Wage Could Bring Restaurant Closures
Local fast food operators say a new $20 an hour minimum wage could drastically affect business, including the closure of stores. 'Surely, lower performing stores will need to make a business decision as to the viability of continuing or not,' said Ali Nekumanesh, executive vice president of Del Delicious. However, a local labor leader says the fast food industry is painting a false narrative about the impacts of a higher minimum wage. 'I think it's pretty common for industry leaders to criticize efforts to bring people out of poverty in their particular industries as job killers,' said Dillon Savory, executive director of the Central Labor Council representing the Fresno region.


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