Hacker News 2025-03-12
2025-03-12 07:00
Hacker News 2025-03-12
  1. Gemma 3 Technical Report [pdf]
    original articlehacker news
  2. The Insecurity of Telecom Stacks in the Wake of Salt Typhoon
    original articlehacker news
  3. Happy 20th Birthday, Y Combinator
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  4. Beyond Diffusion: Inductive Moment Matching
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  5. Show HN: VSC – An open source 3D Rendering Engine in C++
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  6. The Startup CTO's Handbook
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  7. Internationalization-puzzles: Daily programming puzzles just like Advent of Code
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  8. Fastplotlib: GPU-accelerated, fast, and interactive plotting library
    original articlehacker news
  9. New tools for building agents
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  10. Show HN: XPipe, a shell connection hub for SSH, Docker, K8s, VMs, and more
    original articlehacker news
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