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Hacker News 2025-01-05
2025-01-05 07:00
Hacker News 2025-01-05
No more needles Tracking blood sugar on your wrist
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Guten: A Tiny Newspaper Printer
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Blur Busters Open Source Display Initiative – Refresh Cycle Shaders
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Combining 15s interval whole-sky-camera photos to form a 4y spanning keogram
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ELKS: Linux for 16-bit Intel Processors
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University of Alabama Engineer Pioneers New Process for Recycling Plastics (2024)
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Refurb Weekend: Atari Stacy
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Hacker gains access to the RP2350 OTP secret by glitching the RISC-V cores
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How to draw an outline in a video game
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Show HN: WebGPU + TypeScript Slime Mold
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