Khama to sue Mmusi over corruption allegations
2023-09-16 03:30
Khama to sue Mmusi over corruption allegations
In a statement released this week, the visibly irked minister made startling allegations against Khama, especially during his administration. Mmusi alleged that Khama left behind a demoralised BDF with poor working conditions of service, dilapidated infrastructure as well as ageing, sub-standard and unserviceable equipment procured by his twin brothers' company, Seleka Springs. 'The flawed, unethical and corrupt practices in the procurement process were perpetrated and perpetuated by the likes of retired General Khama through the monopolising of defence tenders using countless companies in excess of 20, such as the notorious Seleka Springs from which he and his family benefited enormously and incomparable to any company dealing with the BDF at the time,' Mmusi's statement reads in part.

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