In China, EVs Have Ended Up Attracting Higher Insurance Premiums
2022-10-02 21:31
In China, EVs Have Ended Up Attracting Higher Insurance Premiums
China's car market is now generally recognized to be the largest one in the world, and the adoption of electrification is happening at a rapid pace. However, Chinese consumers are now dealing with an unexpected side effect of the push towards 'new energy' vehicles: significantly increased insurance premiums. CNBC reports that insurance premiums for new energy cars (which includes EVs and hybrids) are, on average, 20 percent higher than they would be for traditionally fueled vehicles. According to Wenwen Chen, Director at S & P Global Ratings, who is in charge of the firm's research for China Insurance, companies have found that the loss ratio is significantly higher for new energy vehicles than for internal combustion vehicles.

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