
Learn how to interact with other users.

Follow users
2019-04-11 16:34
Follow users
Go to a users page, and click follow. That's it! Updates from that user will now show up in your wall feed, visible by pressing the Z-icon in the top left corner, and in your Activity feed, accessible...
2019-04-11 16:34
Your Wall is accessible from the Z-icon the top left corner. It consists of content compiled from the latest updates from the users you follow.
Activity feed
2019-04-11 16:34
Activity feed
Your Activity feed is available from the menu, top right corner, second item from right. When a user you follow interacts with other users, messages you or does other things of interest, you will get ...
2019-04-11 16:34
By selecting Conversations from the top right Actions menu, you can chat with users you follow. Select a contact from the profile icon list. If it's too long, just narrow it down by typing in the firs...
Interact with items
2019-04-11 16:34
Interact with items
By hovering over an item, a list of possible actions become available. On the left side, the D opens up comments for the item, while the arrow item copies a shareable link to the item to clipboard, su...