Was Kansas a wake-up moment for pro-lifers? Indiana shows they're still dreaming.
2022-08-08 20:30
Was Kansas a wake-up moment for pro-lifers? Indiana shows they're still dreaming.
(RNS) — Writing in the venerable Jesuit magazine America, my fellow Religion News Service opinionator Charles C. Camosy opines that Kansas' landslide (59%–41%) vote to uphold abortion rights 'could perhaps be turned into a good thing if it serves as a wake-up call to the pro-life movement as to the kind of struggle that comes next.' Camosy is what might be called a bleeding-heart pro-lifer: Alongside his staunch anti-abortionism he's all-in for liberal social programs. What he wants the pro-life movement to wake up to is the need to commit itself to provide women with a full array of health and economic benefits as they carry their pregnancies to term and care for their newborns.


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