Running Doesn't Have To Hurt—Here's What You Might Be Missing
2023-07-26 01:44
Running Doesn't Have To Hurt—Here's What You Might Be Missing
July 26, 2023 When you find a type of exercise that lights you up, you want to figure out ways to keep doing it. And if you've tasted the bliss of a runner's high, you know what we mean. Whether it's your first run or thousandth, there's nothing more satisfying than being on the other side of a heart-pumping run. So how can we keep that feeling going strong? This ad is displayed using third party content and we do not control its accessibility features. Sometimes running gets a bad rap. We often hear that running is 'hard on the body,' but does it have to be that way? Running will always present a challenge (that's why it's so rewarding), but it doesn't have to hurt.

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