Record Debt Hits Despite Huge Infrastructure Underspend
2023-08-16 02:41
Record Debt Hits Despite Huge Infrastructure Underspend
Despite an extraordinary infrastructure underspend of nearly $400 million, the minority Liberal government still has Tasmania on a path to more than $5 billion of debt. This massive failure to deliver the infrastructure Tasmanians have been promised includes nearly $150 million of road upgrades that weren't delivered, delays in health infrastructure including the Glenorchy Ambulance Station and upgrades at the Royal Hobart Hospital, and delays to long-overdue TAFE facilities. Over the last ten years the Liberals have consistently failed to deliver the infrastructure they have promised - and these latest delays join a long list of broken promises including an upgraded Launceston General Hospital, a new Tamar Bridge, light rail in Hobart by 2023 and the underground bus mall.

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