Opinion: Ron DeSantis's launch shows how Elon Musk's Twitter has radically changed political culture
2023-05-29 22:31
Opinion: Ron DeSantis's launch shows how Elon Musk's Twitter has radically changed political culture
After months of speculation, Florida governor Ron DeSantis declared last week that he was running to be president of the United States on something called Twitter Spaces, a glitchy audio service that one New York Times reporter compared to 'a glorified conference call.' This was definitely not politics as usual. A campaign launch is typically the one chance a candidate has to make a first impression, with red-white-and-blue bunting hanging just so and a telegenic crowd carefully assembled. Twitter of late is a far cry from all that, a chaotic mess, with angry comments drowning out reasonable discussion and persistent questions about the platform's reliability because of the deep cuts made to its technical staff.


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