‘As he reminds me, it's not his house': My boyfriend of 5 years lives in my house, but refuses to pay rent or contribute to food and utility bills. What's my next move?
2023-01-11 08:31
‘As he reminds me, it's not his house': My boyfriend of 5 years lives in my house, but refuses to pay rent or contribute to food and utility bills. What's my next move?
My boyfriend and I come from completely different backgrounds. I am in my mid-30s and he is 40. We both own our own homes, and had a life built prior to meeting. We have now been together for five years and we have lived only at my house for the last 2.5 years. Here's the rub: My boyfriend feels that he should not have to pay me anything for living in my house as he owns his own house, and he is not ready to rent it out yet. He also feels that because I have two kids at home he should not be responsible for any bills at my house.


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