‘A Mean-Spirited Human': Singer Recalls Chrissy Teigen Twice Shoving Her At Grammy's, Yanking Phone From Assistant's Hand
2021-06-18 20:30
‘A Mean-Spirited Human': Singer Recalls Chrissy Teigen Twice Shoving Her At Grammy's, Yanking Phone From Assistant's Hand
A Cameroonian singer told The Sun Friday that model and Democratic activist Chrissy Teigen pushed her two times and grabbed her assistance's phone from his hands at the 2016 Grammy Awards.Dencia told The Sun that Teigen became aggressive over a misunderstanding, which entailed Teigen apparently thinking the singer's assistant captured the model in a video he was recording of Dencia. The singer claims Teigen was nowhere in the shot.'My assistant at the time took his phone out to record a video of me as I walked the carpet,' Dencia recalled.


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