The Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K Max is back down to $40, plus the rest of this week's best tech deals
2024-03-08 18:00
The Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K Max is back down to $40, plus the rest of this week's best tech deals
As another week winds to an end, we've put together another roundup of the best tech deals we could find on devices and gadgets Engadget has tried and recommends. Right now a Marshall Bluetooth speaker with good sound and an impressive waterproof rating is $64 cheaper. Our favorite budget robo vac, the Roomba 694 is 35 percent off. And early Mar10 sales have trimmed the prices of a few games staring Mario and his friends. Other deals include sale prices on Bluetooth trackers, a portable projector, a two-pack of Sonos speakers and an Backbone iPhone 14 gamepad. Here are the best tech deals from...

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