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Hacker News 2024-11-27
2024-11-27 07:00
Hacker News 2024-11-27
The capacitor that Apple soldered incorrectly at the factory
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Hacker in Snowflake extortions may be a U.S. soldier
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I Wrote "Janet for Mortals"
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I Didn't Need Kubernetes, and You Probably Don't Either
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Launch HN: Human Layer (YC F24) – Human-in-the-Loop API for AI Systems
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Htmy – Async, pure-Python rendering engine
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Teen mathematicians tie knots through a mind-blowing fractal
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Executing ARM Jazelle (JVM Bytecode) on the Wii's Starlet
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OpenAI hits pause on video model Sora after artists leak access in protest
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A solution to The Onion problem of J. Kenji Lopez-Alt (2021)
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