2023-11-28 18:00
Share Purchase Plan - Letter to Eligible Shareholders and SPP Offer Booklet
Ionic Rare Earths Limited (ASX:IXR) (Company) confirms that the share purchase plan offer (SPP Offer) opens today. Attached is: a copy of the letter (SPP Offer Letter) sent to each holder of fully paid ordinary shares who, as at the record date of 5:00pm (AWST) on Friday 17 November 2023, had a registered address in Australia or New Zealand (and who otherwise meet certain other conditions as set out in the SPP Offer Booklet) (Eligible Shareholder); anda copy of the SPP Offer available for download at: at http://www.computersharecas.com.au/IXRSPPEligible Shareholders who have provided an email...

