2025-01-28 07:00
Hacker News 2025-01-28
- We're bringing Pebble back
original article — hacker news - Machine Learning in Production (CMU Course)
original article — hacker news - Turning the Database Inside-Out
original article — hacker news - Google open-sources the Pebble OS
original article — hacker news - How we scaled Slack to support 1000s of developers
original article — hacker news - Human corpses keep moving for over a year after death, scientist says (2019)
original article — hacker news - The Taylorator – All Your Frequencies Are Belong to Us
original article — hacker news - The Alpha Myth: How captive wolves led us astray
original article — hacker news - Using AI for Coding: My Journey with Cline and LLMs
original article — hacker news - Undiagnosed Cognitive Decline Eats into Seniors' Retirement Savings
original article — hacker news