Hacker News 2024-09-12

2024-09-12 07:00
Hacker News 2024-09-12
  1. Show HN: Konty – A Balsamiq-alternative lo-fi wireframe tool for modern apps
    original articlehacker news
  2. A MiniGolf game for Palm OS
    original articlehacker news
  3. The Minneapolis Street Grid: Explained
    original articlehacker news
  4. Large-Scale Generation of Transit Maps from OpenStreetMap Data
    original articlehacker news
  5. The Neverending Story
    original articlehacker news
  6. Feeld dating app – Your nudes and data were publicly available
    original articlehacker news
  7. We spent $20 to achieve RCE and accidentally became the admins of .mobi
    original articlehacker news
  8. Noisy neighbor detection with eBPF
    original articlehacker news
  9. AppleWatchAmmeter
    original articlehacker news
  10. Transparenttextures.com
    original articlehacker news
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