2023-04-12 07:00
Hacker News 2023-04-12
- Deck.of.cards
original article — hacker news - Substack Notes Launched
original article — hacker news - SQL Maxis: Why We Ditched RabbitMQ and Replaced It with a Postgres Queue
original article — hacker news - Bookshop.org survives and thrives in Amazon’s world
original article — hacker news - WordPerfect for Unix character terminals
original article — hacker news - Garum Masala
original article — hacker news - Colorado passes agricultural Right to Repair
original article — hacker news - Car alarms and smoke alarms: tradeoff between sensitivity and specificity (2012)
original article — hacker news - EVE Online player uses obscure rule to pull off biggest heist in game history
original article — hacker news - WordGrinder: Terminal-based distraction free word processor
original article — hacker news