Hacker News 2022-03-13

2022-03-13 07:00
Hacker News 2022-03-13
  1. Show HN: I made my personal website a Pokémon-style minigame using Phaser 3
    original articlehacker news
  2. The case for induction cooking
    original articlehacker news
  3. .NET Myths Dispelled
    original articlehacker news
  4. The Art of Monetary War
    original articlehacker news
  5. Shader Park: A JavaScript library for creating interactive procedural shaders
    original articlehacker news
  6. Building Password Purgatory with Cloudflare Pages and Workers
    original articlehacker news
  7. Show HN: Hubfs – File System for GitHub
    original articlehacker news
  8. Smart-TV blocklist for Pi-Hole
    original articlehacker news
  9. Study sheds new light on Tutankhamun’s mysterious dagger ‘born’ from meteorite
    original articlehacker news
  10. Finland starts much-delayed nuclear plant, brings respite to power market
    original articlehacker news
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