2021-11-14 07:00
Hacker News 2021-11-14
- U.S. states file updated antitrust complaint against Google
original article — hacker news - Hoax email blast abused poor coding in FBI website
original article — hacker news - The case of the 500-mile email (2002)
original article — hacker news - Richard ‘Lowtax’ Kyanka, founder of Something Awful, has died
original article — hacker news - Reverse-engineering the Yamaha DX7 synthesizer's sound chip from die photos
original article — hacker news - Study finds a difference between neurons of humans and other mammals
original article — hacker news - In ‘learning trap’ experiment, adults leap to conclusions while children explore
original article — hacker news - Dataminers are finding developer comments and unlicensed songs in GTA Trilogy
original article — hacker news - How I Use Notion
original article — hacker news - Vaccum-chamber quantum sensor device could allow GPS-free navigation
original article — hacker news