2025-01-23 07:00
Hacker News 2025-01-23
- Show HN: I made an open-source laptop from scratch
original article — hacker news - Is Social Media More Like Cigarettes or Junk Food?
original article — hacker news - Redis-compatible distributed key value NoSQL database
original article — hacker news - Mastercard DNS error went unnoticed for years
original article — hacker news - Understanding gRPC, OpenAPI and REST and when to use them in API design
original article — hacker news - Edge TTS
original article — hacker news - F-Droid's Progress and What's Coming in 2025
original article — hacker news - Tech takes the Pareto principle too far
original article — hacker news - TabBoo – add random jumpscares to websites you're trying to avoid
original article — hacker news - Most Influential Papers in Computer Science History
original article — hacker news