2024-12-30 07:00
Hacker News 2024-12-30
- From Pegasus to Predator – The evolution of commercial spyware on iOS [video]
original article — hacker news - Pigment Mixing into Digital Painting
original article — hacker news - The Cody Computer
original article — hacker news - KAG – Knowledge Graph RAG Framework
original article — hacker news - PolyDye: Full color printer mod for Marlin 3D printers
original article — hacker news - Nikon reveals a lens that captures wide and telephoto images simultaneously
original article — hacker news - The Zombocom Problem
original article — hacker news - Archibald Low's ‘ruthlessly imaginative’ 1925 predictions come true, mostly
original article — hacker news - Build a working game of Tetris in Conway's Game of Life (2014)
original article — hacker news - Neuters: Lightweight front end to Reuters News
original article — hacker news