2023-11-23 07:00
Hacker News 2023-11-23
- Reflecting on 18 Years at Google
original article — hacker news - test, [, and [[ (2020)
original article — hacker news - Three chips in and Google Tensor is on life support
original article — hacker news - How do I become a graphics programmer?
original article — hacker news - Auroratone, a psychedelic 1940s film that helped WWII vets overcome PTSD
original article — hacker news - OpenAI researchers warned board of AI breakthrough ahead of CEO ouster
original article — hacker news - Fast self-hostable open-source workflow engine
original article — hacker news - Why viXra?
original article — hacker news - Exponentially faster language modelling
original article — hacker news - Welding and the automation frontier
original article — hacker news