Hacker News 2023-04-01

2023-04-01 07:00
Hacker News 2023-04-01
  1. Twitter's Recommendation Algorithm
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  2. Llama.cpp 30B runs with only 6GB of RAM now
    original articlehacker news
  3. Humanness in the Age of AI
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  4. APLcart – Find your way in APL
    original articlehacker news
  5. He who submits a resume has already lost
    original articlehacker news
  6. The undocumented Android change that led to aCropalypse was reported during beta
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  7. Google Drive does a surprise rollout of file limits, locking out some users
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  8. Show HN: DigicamFinder – open-sourced DPReview camera data
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  9. German police raid DDoS-friendly host FlyHosting
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  10. HuggingGPT: Solving AI tasks with ChatGPT and its friends in HuggingFace
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