2022-09-06 07:00
Hacker News 2022-09-06
- OpenWrt 22.03
original article — hacker news - Closing 10% of all Emacs bugs
original article — hacker news - Chitchatter: A P2P chat app that is serverless, decentralized, and ephemeral
original article — hacker news - Cheating at chess with a computer for my shoes
original article — hacker news - Synthetic embryos complete gastrulation to neurulation and organogenesis
original article — hacker news - Don't ignore the janitor
original article — hacker news - Amazon putting a three-day pause on reviews for Rings of Power
original article — hacker news - The history of sending signals to Unix process groups
original article — hacker news - Dreamy Blur
original article — hacker news - The Tyranny of the Rocket Equaton (2012)
original article — hacker news