2022-01-26 07:00
Hacker News 2022-01-26
- Agatha Christie could afford a maid and a nanny but not a car
original article — hacker news - Let's Encrypt: Issue with TLS-ALPN-01 Validation Method
original article — hacker news - Nature Neuroscience offers open access publishing for 11,390 USD per article
original article — hacker news - Two weeks later David Bennett is alive, his pig’s heart beating soundly
original article — hacker news - The old internet shows signs of quietly coming back
original article — hacker news - Nintendo Switch game cartridges taste offensively bad (2017)
original article — hacker news - Guide to Using YubiKey for GPG and SSH
original article — hacker news - Surprises in the Bitcoin blockchain and how they are stored (2014)
original article — hacker news - Doing too much work on one's own before looping in others
original article — hacker news - The Polygons of Éric's Chahi Another World
original article — hacker news