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10 items | Created: 5 years ago | Last updated: 4 years ago Preview samples below
Society and Culture: The Informational Age
2019-12-11 18:44
Society and Culture: The Informational Age
By: Edwin Stepp

"The promise of the Information Age is the unleashing of unprecedented productive capacity by the power of the mind. . . . The dream of the Enlightenment, that reason and science would ...
Why Should I Fit Electrical Solar Panels?
2019-12-11 17:39
Why Should I Fit Electrical Solar Panels?
By: Stephen Drummonsy

Solar panels aren't new. The technology has been around for quite a long time. As all of us are well aware, burning fossil fuels to produce energy isn't doing the natural world mu...
Isolated Expedition
2019-12-11 17:18
Isolated Expedition
By: Joey Clonch

Imagine an expedition to the Antarctic in 1914. There is no GPS, no world-reaching radio, and no satellite phone. Brutal conditions, rationed food, tight living quarters. Sounds pretty...
The Role of Private Enterprise in Putting Man into Space
2019-12-11 17:05
The Role of Private Enterprise in Putting Man into Space
By: Thomas Sullivan

Has NASA, the monolithic space agency, failed in it's quest to put man out into the cosmos. Will profit coupled with mans need to explore be the driving engine which sends man into...
 "We Don't Know What We are Talking About" - Nobel Laureate David Gross
2019-12-11 17:11
"We Don't Know What We are Talking About" - Nobel Laureate David Gross
By: Michael Strauss

Last December ('05), physicists held the 23rd Solvay Conference in Brussels, Belgium. Amongst the many topics covered in the conference was the subject matter of string theory. Thi...