2022-06-17 16:30
Russia Resurgent? Untangling the Role & Meaning of Moscow's Presence in West Africa and the Sahel
Zurück e Teilen:  d 20.06.2022 - 20.06.2022 | Hamburg Growing international concern about Russia's military and political resurgence in Africa has been rekindled by its invasion of Ukraine since February 2022. Russia's growing influence in Africa through the re-establishment of old ties and the creation of new ones has been perceived as a quest to re-establish the geopolitical gains that the Soviet Union achieved prior to its collapse in 1989. Increasing demand for Russian weaponry and equipment, support for unpopular, illegitimate, or unconstitutionally elected leaders, and the targeting and interest in mining concessions and natural resources are considered by the West as a threat to democratic gains and stability on an already fragile continent.

