2021-08-13 05:30
Local chef Marcus Samuelsson partners with Pepsi for docu-series highlighting Black-owned restaurants
Cooking food can do more than just feed someone. It can inspire somebody. Now, a new online show is letting some rising Black chefs share their recipes for success.Chef Marcus Samuelsson: 'For the last year, ‘Pepsi dig in' has led a nationwide campaign to discover Black-owned restaurants. They are igniting our palates!'You have to taste this. Don't take our word for it.'You Have to Taste This' is the new docu-series from local Chef Marcus Samuelsson and Pepsi.Marcus Samuelsson: 'I wanted to highlight African American chefs and the contributions, iconic restaurants, young and old and, really, what Black chefs contribute to American food, right? And that's something that Pepsi shared in that vision.

