2023-01-31 18:30
I'm paying my financial adviser 1%, but ‘the only communications I get are invoices.' So I want to regain sole control of my accounts — without having to talk to him about it. Is this possible?
Getty Images Question: Eight years ago I hired a financial advisor because the rounds of layoffs at work were coming more regularly, and I wanted to know if my savings were enough for me to retire.  The financial advisor began managing some of my accounts for me for a fee of 1%. This has been a significant amount per year, but the adviser helped me prepare for and navigate retirement, a cross-country move, and buying a new house/selling the old one, so I was happy for the most part.  But this original advisor retired and I have been assigned to a new person, who has never reached out to me by email or phone to introduce herself or learn anything about me.

