2021-05-28 04:30
84-year-old evicted from mobile home in will dispute wins an appeal
'He (Frederic) plainly asserted facts sufficient to support a tenancy and that his admission he did not pay rent could not reasonably support a conclusion that no tenancy arrangement existed between the brothers,." — Justice Bruce Butler Man's niece and nephew won an order in B.C. Supreme Court that would have forced him to move from his late brother's trailer park but B.C. Appeal Court overturned that order. Photo by Arlen Redekop /PNG If you are your brother's keeper, does that commitment extend past your life? That adage is at the heart of a civil lawsuit that has pitted 84-year-old Frederic Charbonneau against his niece and nephew, who ordered their uncle to start paying rent if he wanted to continue living in their late father's mobile home park in the East Kootenays.

