2025-01-02 07:00
Hacker News 2025-01-02
- Autodesk deletes old forum posts suddenly
original article — hacker news - Blogs rot. Wikis wait
original article — hacker news - One of my papers got declined today
original article — hacker news - RWKV Language Model
original article — hacker news - DOOM CAPTCHA
original article — hacker news - Kotaemon: An open-source RAG-based tool for chatting with your documents
original article — hacker news - The Cognitive Style of PowerPoint [pdf]
original article — hacker news - My 25-year adventure in AI and ML
original article — hacker news - ASCII porn predates the Internet but it's still everywhere (2019)
original article — hacker news - Are there more trees on Earth than stars in the Milky Way? (2016)
original article — hacker news