Hacker News 2023-10-09

2023-10-09 07:00
Hacker News 2023-10-09
  1. Blackmagic Camera for iPhone
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  2. What we learned making a plastic injection mold with a Chinese mold maker
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  3. My personal C coding style as of late 2023
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  4. How Games Used to Look: Why Retro Gaming on a CRT Looks Different [video]
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  5. OpenIPC: Alternative open firmware for your IP camera
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  6. Flappy Dird: Flappy Bird Implemented in MacOS Finder
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  7. MiniDisc Hacking
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  8. Review of the .nz DNSSEC Chain Validation Incident on 29-30 May 2023 [pdf]
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  9. Flexoki, an inky color scheme for prose and code
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  10. The Algorithm for Precision Medicine, talk by Matthew Might [video]
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