Hacker News 2023-09-09

2023-09-09 07:00
Hacker News 2023-09-09
  1. Ruby Outperforms C: Breaking the Catch-22
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  2. Julia and Mojo (Modular) Mandelbrot Benchmark
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  3. Newly discovered comet Nishimura could be visible to naked eye this weekend
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  4. Decoded: GNU Coreutils (2018)
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  5. The new Google Fonts: find what you’re looking for
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  6. Snoop unto them as they snoop unto you
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  7. LogoScale – A method for vectorizing small, crappy logos
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  8. Scammers can exploit email forwarding flaws to impersonate high-profile domains
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  9. The rxv64 Operating System: MIT's xv6, in Rust, for SMP x86_64 machines
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  10. The Power of Food for People with Dementia
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