Hacker News 2023-08-13

2023-08-13 07:00
Hacker News 2023-08-13
  1. Thermodynamic Linear Algebra
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  2. NixOS RFC 136 approved: A plan to stabilize the new CLI and Flakes incrementally
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  3. VirGL – A virtual 3D GPU for use inside QEMU virtual machines
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  4. Flying Toasters Screensaver After Dark in CSS
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  5. Solving a simple puzzle using SymPy
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  6. Ode to the M1
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  7. Reading Ancient Scrolls
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  8. Stan Lippman, early contributor to C++, died (2022)
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  9. Exploring the Internals of Linux v0.01
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  10. A Blog Post with Every HTML Element
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