2021-10-16 07:00
Hacker News 2021-10-16
- Wearable Microphone Jamming
original article — hacker news - Theory of Computation ocw course (Sipser)
original article — hacker news - A viable solution for Python concurrency
original article — hacker news - 1500 Archers on a 28.8: Network Programming in Age of Empires and Beyond (2001)
original article — hacker news - LAPD declares ‘ghost guns’ an ‘epidemic,’ citing 400% increase in seizures
original article — hacker news - Minias – A mini x86-64 assembler for fun and learning
original article — hacker news - Some reasons to work on productivity and velocity
original article — hacker news - Deepdive on USDT fraud: The GrantWilliams Podcast: BennettTomlin and GeorgeNoble
original article — hacker news - Functional Algorithms, Verified
original article — hacker news - Redis Cluster Re-Implemented in Rust: Scaling Redis Easily in Kubernetes
original article — hacker news